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Have Your Say on High Rise in Stanhope Gardens

Many residents have contacted me regarding a State Planning proposal that would see part of Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood rezoned for high-rise and mid-rise apartments.

NSW Premier Chris Minns has made it clear that our community must stop taking all the growth.

I decided to run for Parliament because 12 years of Liberal Government neglect saw an explosion of housing in our area without the schools, roads, hospitals and other infrastructure to support this growth.

I have met with the Premier, Deputy Premier and Minister for Planning to express the concerns of our community.

We need to build more homes in NSW, but our community have done our bit and taken our fair share.

Please sign my petition to show your support.

Warren Kirby MP

Member for Riverstone

Past Updates and Developments

Plans Released - 09/07/2024

NSW Planning released proposals for the rezoning of part of Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood within the Kellyville Station and Bella Vista Station TOD precincts.

I held a mobile office in Stanhope Gardens to hear directly from community members.

Extension Requested - 23/07/2024

After speaking to residents in the community, I wrote to the Planning Minister requesting an extended period of community consultation and further information sessions.

You can read my letter to Minister Scully here.

Community Meeting with Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood residents.

Community Meeting with Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood residents.

Community Meeting - 04/08/2024

In response to growing community concern, I held a community meeting at the Ettamogah Pub. The key takeaway was this;

We need more homes in New South Wales, but our community have taken our fair share.

I encouraged all residents to make a submission to planning expressing their concerns regarding the rezoning proposals.

In Parliament, Extension Granted - 06/08/2024 til 15/08/2024

During the Parliamentary sitting fortnight, I met with the Premier, Deputy Premier and Planning Minister regarding the proposals. I conveyed the community's concerns around infrastructure and requested we hold off on this plan until the infrastructure deficit had been repaired.

After this, I received correspondence confirming that we had received the extension we asked for. You can read the Minister's letter here.

Meeting with NSW Planning Minister, the Hon. Paul Scully MP

Meeting with NSW Planning Minister, the Hon. Paul Scully MP

Private Members Statement - 15/08/2024

On the 15th of August, I spoke in Parliament regarding the TOD proposals for Kellyville and Bella Vista Metro Stations. You can read the Hansard excerpt here or watch the video.