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By Warren Kirby MP

10 February 2024

In the Blacktown City Independent, Issue 35; February 2024

After years of under investment in the electorate of Riverstone’s educational infrastructure, which has seen local schools bursting at the seam’s - relief is finally on its way. Term 1 of the 2024 school year will see the opening of the much-needed schools in Nirimba Fields and Tallawong.

Fast tracked delivery in the form of temporary locations and facilities, the schools bring massive relief to the area’s existing schools’ network.

For 12 years the electorate of Riverstone has been neglected, leading to a burgeoning local school system struggling to cope with an ever-increasing influx of students. Despite being home to the highest number of students in the state, the previous government failed to deliver key schooling infrastructure resulting in overfilled classrooms and teachers having to cope with unmanageable workloads.

Stop gap solutions have included multi-storey demountables which are eating away at the much-needed play and active spaces utilised by students during break time and sport classes. To keep up with the increased volume of student intakes and alleviate pressures felt by existing schools, the NSW Labor Government has delivered 2 temporary schools whilst the construction of permanent schools is underway.

Nirimba Fields Public School and Tallawong Public School albeit temporary will provide much needed consolidation for our local school network, whilst their namesake permanent schools are under construction. Local MP Warren Kirby has been advocating for additional fundings and more considered planning for our local school network during his campaign and now as a member of parliament.

“Our community is growing rapidly, and we are committed to delivering much-needed school infrastructure to support families in the area.

“It is vital that local public schools are available for students in our community, and that they are available sooner. 

“These facilities will ensure we can meet increasing enrolment demand, and it means the first cohorts of students at these new schools can enjoy continuity of learning.”

The temporary schools will open their doors Day 1 Term 1 of 2024 intaking students ranging from years K to 6. Importantly, temporary schools provide a greater holistic environment for learning opposed to increasing demountables at existing schools. Temporary schools will provide dedicated and ample spaces for learning and play – crucial for any thriving educational environment.

As permanent schools are constructed, temporary schools provide continuity and growth. Retaining the lasting friendships made at their schools, teachers, uniforms, and school moto’s - cohorts will eventually transition into their permanent schools – and learning will not be disrupted by interschool transfers. 

The temporary schools provide relief to current schools who are dealing with exceeding enrolment caps and peace of mind to parents, knowing their children are being to sent to dedicated and appropriately sized learning environments.

The new temporary schools are just the first stage of a wider strategy to revamp schooling infrastructure in Northwest Sydney- an election promise being kept by the Minns Labor Government. The temporary schools serve as a bridge towards the planned permanent primary schools in Nirimba Fields, Tallawong and Melonba.

A temporary high school is also opening its doors for the upcoming school term in Marsden Park – with a permanent facility to open in 2025. Bolstering schooling infrastructure in the area home to the most students in the state is essential to securing quality education for our children.

Importantly it also aligns with the governments goal of supporting the teaching workforce, providing further opportunities for permanency and security.

The Minns-Labor government has gone back to prioritising education– and with a local member in Mr Kirby who is passionate about giving our children the best possible foundation for the future – these temporary schools are just step one in a fresh start for education in Riverstone.