The Future is Brighter Than Ever for Riverstone

The Future is Brighter Than Ever for Riverstone Main Image

By Warren Kirby MP

03 November 2023

Written for the Blacktown City Independent, November 2023.

For twelve long years the Riverstone electorate and the township of Riverstone in particular has languished as a result of neglect and inaction. The needs of its residents have been pushed aside and its potential ignored. However, as the Minns Labor Government steps up to address longstanding issues and invest in the future of this vibrant community, new hope has arrived.

Despite the community's active advocacy led by the North West Business Chamber, the electorate was allowed to deteriorate under the former Government, its population increasing daily but lacking essential community facilities. While serving as the Vice President of the chamber, I saw the need for someone to take up Riverstone's cause.

We approached our State representative to voice our concerns about the trajectory the former Government was taking, but quickly realised it was futile. In fact, after several tokenistic meetings in this place with Ministers who forgot the reason we were there the minute we left their offices, I realised our only hope was a change in government.

The Member for Blacktown, Stephen Bali, also recognised the challenges we faced and joined the fight, becoming the emeritus Member for Riverstone, echoing our needs and our sentiments. We found support in the Member for Londonderry, now the Deputy Premier, Prue Car. Being neighbouring electorates to Riverstone, Blacktown and Londonderry shared many of the same issues.

From transport and roads to education and health care, a lack of investment in critical infrastructure was crippling our community. In addition to investment, we needed a strategy and a leader. The member for Kogarah, now the Premier, Chris Minns, took particular interest in the lack of liveability being delivered to the people of the North West Growth Area.

Collectively, those Labor members could see that our area had been forgotten and worked with us to deliver for our community. Along the way, I changed from being a concerned business owner to a community advocate, before finally becoming a member of Parliament in this new Government. Together, we have delivered.

I wholeheartedly applaud the Treasurer, Daniel Mookhey, and the Minister for Finance, Courtney Houssos, for their acknowledgement of the urgent issues facing my constituency and their proactive efforts to steer its growth.

After 12 years of neglect we now have funding for the thrice-promised but never delivered Rouse Hill Hospital, one of the most glaring examples of the former Government's neglect. Just this morning our Government faced allegations from the member for Kellyville of causing delays in the Rouse Hill Hospital project. The member for Kellyville was a member of the former Government that promised to deliver it for over a decade at three different elections. 

Despite a staged media event involving soil-turning during the election campaign, the detail showed that the former Government was not intending to deliver a hospital but rather a glorified day surgery facility. Further, it was not planning to fund it. Under the leadership of the Minns Government, this vital project is going ahead, and Rouse Hill is receiving a hospital suitable for the needs of the people of North West Sydney. The budget has been increased from $300 million to $700 million, and construction can finally begin, fully funded.

The Government's commitment to the healthcare needs of my electorate is further complemented by the budget's $120 million funding of additional beds across the Western Sydney Local Health District at Blacktown and Mount Druitt Hospitals.

The infrastructure deficit in Riverstone does not end there. A lack of investment in local schools has created a situation where almost every public school in my electorate is over capacity, some by more than double. Education is the foundation of any prosperous community, and Riverstone, boasting one of the State's largest youth populations, is no different.

Recognising the area's expansion, the Minns Government is committing to enhancing educational infrastructure by establishing 100 new schools, including three new schools in my electorate. Two new primary schools in Tallawong and Nirimba Fields and a new high school in Schofields/Tallawong will cater to the needs of the children in my electorate. Those new schools complement funding for upgrades to three more.

Traffic congestion has also long been a problem for Riverstone residents. Commuters have spent countless hours on congested side streets trying to navigate through inadequate road infrastructure. As a business owner, I lost many customers due to traffic and a lack of accessibility. At long last, the budget provides relief. Funding for crucial road upgrades around the electorate, particularly Richmond Road, Bandon Road and Garfield Road East represents a significant transformative move. These projects will alleviate traffic congestion, significantly enhance safety for all road users and allow commuters to spend less time in gridlock so they can spend more time with their families. Moreover, these upgrades will improve connectivity to businesses and the community.

The Riverstone electorate is finally receiving the attention it deserves after 12 years of neglect and inaction. The Minns Labor Government's commitment to fulfilling promises, investing in education and addressing critical infrastructure issues is a beacon of hope for this vibrant community. The long awaited Rouse Hill Hospital, the establishment of three new schools and the funding for essential road upgrades are tangible signs of progress that will benefit residents for future generations. As this resurgence continues, Riverstone's potential is boundless and the future is brighter than ever.